Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mowing in March?

It's true.   The grass got a bit shaggy around the garden plot (this is the sunniest spot on our property so the grass gets the longest here) so I dug out the mower, cleaned the spark plugs and blew out the air filter, and mowed the grass.  When I laid out the garden I thought it would be a good idea to leave grass strips so keep weeds down and keep up from walking on the places we plant.  It has worked OK, although the grass tends to encroach on the garden and vice versa, making it hard to mow with a mower.  So far it is superior to mulch, which weeds seem to like to grow through anyway.

Week two of the EoE garden saw much cooler temperatures-only 5 Growing Degree Days (GDD) compared to 90 last week.  I dumped 0.4 inches of rain this week to add to the 0.8 from last week.

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