Saturday, March 17, 2012

Journey through the garden year

Welcome to my blog.  The purpose of this blog is to take you, the reader, along with me on a journey through the garden year.  We may take some side trips along the way.  This is my favorite time of the garden year--the time when last years perennials come back to life and the garden is all possibilities.  It is also when I have the most time to devote to gardening, and before war is declared on weeds.  I live in Minnesota, and in a good year we start gardening in April, with May not too late to put a garden in.   This year we are having a warm and gorgeous March, with several days in the seventies.  This past winter was a dry and mostly snow-less season, so the garden was fit and ready to go on St. Patrick's Day (today).  So in go the lettuces, radishes, and peas. The herb garden is coming to live as well (see chives above).

The title for my blog is from Genesis 3.  The Bible begins in a Garden and ends in a Garden-City (see Revelation 22).  So, in a sense, all of life is trying to get back to the Garden.  In between times, we are East of Eden, toiling among the thorns and the thistles, eating our bread "in the sweat of the face."  Despite this curse on the ground, by God's grace the earth still yields food for us, as Psalm 104 says: "He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man, that He might bring forth food from the earth, and wine that makes glad the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread which strengthens man's heart."


  1. East of Eden...brilliant! I can see why you didn't choose one of my ideas, like "The Barley Hop." :-) I am glad that we can toil in the garden together.

  2. Way to go Dad!!!
    You getting a blog was almost as weird as me getting facebook, but hey, now that you have a blog...
