Monday, April 2, 2012

That's why they're called Strawberries

We haven't been very successful strawberry growers.  This year is our  fourth season and we haven't gotten more than a few pints of small misshapen berries.  The year we planted them we got maybe one berry, but we didn't expect much.  Our expectations were high the next year (2010 I think) but a frost came through at flowering that made that year a loss.  Last year we got enough to pick, but the fruit was small.  We think perhaps we let the vines get too thick, so late in the season Lynn thinned out the stand and made walkways.  Earlier this week I put down straw in between the "rows".  This might be the last year for the stand if it doesn't work out.  I might be inclined to try again with new plants and a new location in the garden.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love it if we were successful this year. At the very least, I vow to keep rabbits from nesting among the plants this summer!
