Thursday, April 12, 2012

A quiet week in Lake Wobegon

It's been a quiet week on the garden front.  Cool temperatures have persisted for two weeks (very normal April weather) and the lettuces and radishes aren't doing much.  The peas seem to be growing however.  No frost damage on anything that I can tell.  May never know really if the covering on the apple tree helped; at least it probably didn't hurt.  The farmers are getting their fields  ready, but most have resisted planting corn.  In about 10 days I could be on a planter, probably wearing coveralls.  Might plant potatoes and onion sets this weekend.   Mowed the grass again this week, some of the yard for the first time, some for the second time.


  1. (Isn't it always a quiet week in Lake Wobegon...?)

  2. you forgot to mention about our children all being above average!
